I am a painter and graphic artist, appointed Fellow of the official Danish Society of Artists (Kunstnersamfundet).
Born 1939. Studies at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen 1960-65 (under the professors Egill Jacobsen and Richard Mortensen). Later, I participated in courses at the same academy’s School of Graphic Arts (professors Dan Sterup Hansen and Palle Nielsen).
Member of a group of graphic artists, Trykkerbanden, 1970-86. Member of The Danish Association of Graphic Artists and The Danish Association of Visual Artists.
Professor of Painting at the Jutland Academy of Fine Arts 1981-87.
Engaged by The Danish Arts Foundation to execute a work of visual art in Department of Psychology, University of Aarhus 1975. The work is now placed in Nobelparken, University of Aarhus.
Some Scholarships of Importance
Anna Klindt Sörensens legat (memorial award 2012), Marie and Johan Vilhelm Andersens legat (grant for talented graphic artists), Dronning Ingrids Romerske Fond [The Roman Foundation of Queen Ingrid] (latest 2007), The New Carlsberg Foundation travelling scholarship for Damascus, C.L. David’s scholarship, Agnes Schülein Westman's travel grant, The Danish Tennis Foundation (latest 2022).
Project support from The Danish Arts Council (latest 2011), The Velux Foundations (latest 2021), and L.F. Foght's Foundation (latest 2020).
Work- and travelgrants from Statens Kunstfond [The Danish Arts Foundation], latest 2013.
Granted several sojourns to develop graphic projects at Danish Art Workshops in Copenhagen, latest for a period in 2023.
Sold to among others
The Folketing (Danish Parliament), The New Carlsberg Foundation, The Danish Arts Foundation (latest 2012), The Royal Collection of Prints and Drawings at The Danish National Gallery, diverse Danish art museums (latest 2009-11), and to the Rungstedlund Foundation at the Karen Blixen Museum.
Graphic works to the following publications
Inger Christensen: ”jeg bor i en hemmelig drøm - tidlige digte” ["I live in a secret dream - early poems"]
Gyldendal, København, 2023
"TIDLØS HAVE Johanne Foss"
Catalogue, VejleMuseernes Forlag, 2020
D. Ringgaard og J. R. Kjærgård (eds.): "genbesøgt. inger christensens efterladte papirer"
[revisited. Inger Christensen's posthumous papers]
Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2020
Inger Christensen: ”verden ønsker at se sig selv” [The World Wants to Look at Itself"]
Gyldendal, København, 2018
Inger Christensen: ”The Condition of Secrecy”
New Directions, New York, 2018
"Landskabet som scene [Scenery as a Stage]. JOHANNE FOSS"
Catalogue, Exhibition at Sophienholm, Kgs. Lyngby, DK 2013
Inger Christensen: "Light, Grass, and Letter in April"
Translated by Susanna Nied. Drawings by Johanne Foss
New Directions, USA, September 2011
"Johanne Foss. Spor og Steder - farveraderinger"
Editing: Nina Damsgaard. Texts: Nina Damsgaard and Peter Borum
Catalogue, Vejle Kunstmuseum & Kastrupgaardsamlingen, Vejle 2011
"Johanne Foss. Andre Kulturer", Text and editing: Iben From,
Catalogue, Kunstcentret Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg 2009
"Landskabet, Haven og Rummet, 4 med farve", Text: Eske K.
Mathiesen, Catalogue, Johannes Larsen Museet, Kerteminde 2008
"Raderinger Johanne Foss. Digte Eske K. Mathiesen", Copenhagen 2005
"Idioten", Danske grafikere illustrerer Nexö, 2002 og 2003
"Til Inger Christensen", Gyldendal 1995
"Brev i april" (Inger Christensen), Bröndums Forlag 1979, Gyldendal 2002
Inger Christensen: " Lettre en avril", Edition Arcane 17, France 1985
Piranesi. Museum Tusculanums Forlag 1991
"Udvikling. Danmark og u-landene", Danida, 1/1988
Johanne Foss: "Billeder fra Moçambique, Tegning - maleri - grafik"
Catalogue, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, 1986
"Udvikling. Danmark og u-landene", Danida, 2/1983
"6 lyrikere 6 billedkunstnere i Bogens Verden 1981", Danmarks Biblioteksforening 1981
Tidsskriftet Chancen, Gyldendal 1979
Represented in these encyclopedia
”Indtryk Udtryk Aftryk”, Danske Grafikere, 2008
”Dansk Kunst”, Fogtdals Forlag, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
Morten Skovmand: ”Tryk og Variationer. En bog om grafik”, Gyldendal 1995
Den Store Danske Encyklopædi, Gyldendal 1994-2001
Weilbach, Dansk kunstnerleksikon, 1994
”Fogtdals Kunstleksikon”, Forlaget Fogtdal 1992
Bent Irve (red.): ”Dansk Grafik”, Forlaget Centrum 1985
Ulla Holst: ”30 kvindelige danske grafikere”, Randers 1982
First appearance at KE (The Artists’ Autumn Exhibition) 1961. Since then numerous solo exhibitions in Denmark and participation in group exhibitions in Denmark and abroad. See the Danish CV for a list of more important exhibitions.
Study travels
Among other Greece, Egypt, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Greenland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Eritrea, Syria, Ethiopia, Ghana
Longer sojourns for purposes of work and study
Fundación Valparaíso, Spain 2004
The Danish Institute in Damascus 2002, 2003, 2005
The Danish Institute at Athens 2000
San Cataldo, Italy 1977, 1982, 1993, 1999, 2014, 2024
Accademia di Danimarca, Rome, Italy 1988, 1989, 1990, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Circolo Scandinavo per Artisti e Scienziati, Rome, Italy 1979